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Intel JMedia Player

Frequently Asked Questions (General)

General Questions

Q. What is Intel JMedia Player?
Q. What is Microsoft DirectShow*?
Q. What is the Java* Media Framework?
Q. How do I get Intel's JMedia Player?
Q. How much do the media classes cost?
Q. What is a connected CD-ROM?
Q. Why is Intel pursuing this Internet media initiative?
Q. Is there a mailing list or newsgroup for discussing the Intel JMedia Player?
Q. How do I contact Intel for technical support?
Q. I found a bug in the Intel JMedia Player. How do I report it to Intel?
Q. Will Intel make its implementation available on other platforms?


Q. What specific APIs are implemented?
Q. How does Indeo® Video Interactive relate to the media classes?
Q. What is unique about Intel's implementation of the Java Media Framework?
Q. What specific media types are supported by the Intel JMedia Player?
Q. Can I add new media types?
Q. What is "streaming?"

Authoring and Serving

Q. How do I author Web pages that use the Intel JMedia Player?
Q. What authoring tools support the media types?
Q. Does my Web server need to be an Intel processor-based PC?

Requirements and Compatibility

Q. Is it necessary to download the media classes every time I use them?
Q. What caliber of PC do the media classes require?
Q. Are the media classes written entirely in Java?
Q. What are "native methods"?
Q. Don't native methods introduce applet portability issues?
Q. Does the Intel JMedia Player require MMXÔ technology?
Q. Is MMX Technology required for JMedia Player use?
Q. Which browsers/environments are supported?
Q. How are the bit-stream formats standardized?
Q. Do the media classes for Java interoperate with other Internet media capabilities?
Q. What transport protocols are used?

General Questions

Q. What is the Intel JMedia Player?
Intel JMedia Player is an SDK that provides a framework for incorporating media players into Java applications. It also allows developers to synchronize time-based media from different sources. The Intel JMedia Player uses Microsoft DirectShow to render the media. The Intel JMedia Player is compatible with the Java Media Framework API.

Q. What is Microsoft DirectShow?
Microsoft's DirectShow enables the capture and playback of media streams. The streams can contain video and audio data compressed in a wide variety of bitstream and file formats, including MPEG, QuickTime, AVI, and WAV.

Q. What is the Java Media Framework?
The Java Media Framework API is a specification for rendering time-based media through a Java API. The API was jointly developed by Intel, Silicon Graphics, and Sun. Intel has developed a high performance implementation of that API for Intel processor-based systems called the Intel JMedia Player.

This API enables Java developers to create media-rich Java applications that can run either inside an Internet browser, as a stand-alone application, or as a "Connected CD-ROM" with Internet access. Furthermore, the JMedia Player allows developers to program to an API that is cross-platform, while providing the highest possible performance for the largest group of Web clients - Intel processor-based PCs running Windows* 95 and Windows NT*.

Q. How do I get Intel's JMedia Player?
The Intel JMedia Player SDK and Runtimes are available for download at http://developer.intel.com/ial/jmedia. To receive notification when the next version of this package is available, please submit your email address to our SDK Registration form.

Q. How much do the media classes cost?
The SDK is free via Web download, and end-users may download the client runtime upgrade to their Web browser at no charge. Redistribution of the binaries, when bundled with an application, is free if you follow the registration requirements listed in the license.

Q. What is a connected CD-ROM?
A connected CD-ROM adds the ability to link to the Internet from a conventional CD-ROM application. It typically uses the Internet for up-to-the-minute information and person-to-person interaction while using locally-stored media (such as video from the CD-ROM) for its quality and display speed. Connected CD-ROMs give users the best of the PC plus the best of the Internet.

Q. Why is Intel pursuing this Internet media initiative?
The largest group of people accessing the Web do so using Intel processor-based PCs running Windows. On the desktop, these systems provide end users a very rich multimedia experience. Our goal is to fulfill our customer's expectations by bringing this rich multimedia experience to the Web.

Q. Is there a mailing list or newsgroup for discussing the Intel JMedia Player?
The Intel JMedia Player newsgroup is available at ../../zoffsitz.htm and can be accessed by a News Reader or a Web Browser.

Q. How do I contact Intel for technical support?
The Intel JMedia Player Developer Support Page is the best place to start in finding technical support. There, you will find tutorials, a list of known problems, Technical FAQs, Intel JMedia Player discussion forum, Email support and other resources to answer your support questions.

Q. I found a bug in the Intel JMedia Player. How do I report it to Intel?
First, ensure that the bug is not a known problem of Intel JMedia Player - see Intel JMedia Player's Known Problems. If the problem is not listed as a known problem submit your bug to jmedia@mailbox.intel.com.

Q: Will Intel make its implementation available on other platforms?
Intel's implementation supports Intel processor-based PCs running Windows* 95 and Windows NT*. Intel has no plans to port its implementation to other platforms or operating systems at this time. We suggest you contact the respective platform owners to see if and when they will support the API.


Q. What specific APIs are implemented?
The Intel JMedia Player includes one package (a collection of classes) supporting the following Java Media APIs:
The Intel JMedia Player package implements the Java Media Framework API, providing media players for playing audio and video.

Q. How does Indeo® Video Interactive relate to the media classes?
Because the Intel JMedia Player implementation uses native methods to deliver the best possible performance, and is based on Microsoft's DirectShow*, the Intel JMedia Player package transparently supports use of the Indeo Video Interactive codec.

Q. What is unique about Intel's implementation of the Java Media Framework?
Intel JMedia Player software was specifically designed and tuned for Intel processor-based PCs running Windows* 95 and Windows NT*. This provides the highest possible performance and robustness.

Q. What specific media types are supported by the Intel JMedia Player?
Playback of MIDI, WAV and AU audio
Playback of AVI, MPEG, and QuickTime* video, with support for Indeo® Video Interactive
Streaming playback of International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standard H.263 video and G.723 audio will be supported in a later release.

Q. Can I add new media types?
Yes, new audio and video media types can be added as native DirectShow filters. The Intel JMedia Player package uses the Microsoft DirectShow architecture for top performance, and to ensure support for new media types as they are developed.

Q. What is "streaming?"
With streaming, an audio or video clip starts playing almost immediately, as the data is received, rather than waiting for the entire file to be downloaded.

Authoring and Serving

Q. How do I author Web pages that use the Intel JMedia Player?
Web pages that use the Intel JMedia Player are authored like any Web page that contains a Java* applet: Construct the applet using a Java developers kit such as Microsoft Visual J++*, Sun's JDK or Symantec Café* . Use a page authoring tool to build the HTML document containing the applet. Additional steps and tools are required to create the media content played by the applet.

Q. What authoring tools support the media types?
Many different authoring tools for audio and video are available to produce the supported A/V media types.

Q. Does my Web server need to be an Intel processor-based PC?
No, the Web server need not be an Intel processor-based PC.

Requirements and Compatibility

Q. Is it necessary to download the media classes every time I use them?
No, only the applet built upon the media classes and the media content are delivered as a part of a Web page. The Intel JMedia Player is installed as an integral part of the Java client runtime environment (in the browser and/or operating system) just as window management, networking and I/O are today.

Nor is it necessary to completely download the entire applet or media file before media playback can begin. With streaming, an audio or video clip starts playing almost immediately, as the data starts to be received, rather than waiting for the entire file to be downloaded.

Q. What caliber of PC do the media classes require?
Pentium® and Pentium II processor-based PCs provide the best Internet experience and are the recommended minimum, although the media classes scale to support an Intel486Ô processor. Essentially, if the client is capable of running Windows* 95 or Windows NT*, it is capable of supporting the media classes.

Q. Are the media classes written entirely in Java?
No, for the highest possible performance the classes use "native methods" that are closely coupled to the underlying OS and hardware architecture.

Q. What are "native methods"?
When portions of a Java class implementation are written in another programming language, such as C, those portions are called native methods. Native methods are all but required to implement multimedia capabilities which perform well. The Intel JMedia Player uses Microsoft's DirectShow for performance and extensibility.

Q. Don't native methods introduce applet portability issues?
No. Only the applet built above the media classes and the media content are delivered as a part of a Web page. The media classes, including the native methods, are installed as an integral part of the Java client runtime environment in the browser or operating system. The Java client runtime already uses native methods for functions commonly used by Java applets, such as networking and I/O.

Q. Is MMX Technology required for Intel JMedia Player use?
No, but as addressed in the previous question, the native methods for Indeo Video Interactive and other codecs running under DirectShow perform better with MMX technology.

Q. Has the Intel JMedia Player been designed to take advantage of MMX technology?
Yes, the Indeo® Video Interactive codec with DirectShow*, are hand-tuned for the Intel architecture, and support the new instructions of the MMX technology.

Q. Which browsers/environments are supported?
The media capabilities support the U.S. English versions of Internet Explorer* 3.0x, Netscape Navigator* 3.0x and Communicator* 4.0x, as well as the Sun Java* Developers Kit (JDK) 1.0.2, and JDK 1.1.x.

Q. How are the bit-stream formats standardized?
The bit-stream formats are standardized by virtue of using industry-standard media types (such as MPEG) and protocols (such as HTTP).

Q. Do the media classes for Java interoperate with other Internet media capabilities?
Yes, as long as other Internet media capabilities use industry-standard media types and protocols.

Q. What transport protocols are used?
The HTTP and FTP transport protocols are supported by the Java Media Framework. Iit is possible to extend the DataSource class and create a custom protocol handler; see the JMF Tutorial lessons 3F and 3G for examples.

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